Extra wide and extra thick mat
Provides greater freedom and comfort
Perfect for all your yoga needs
Easy to roll, store and clean
Textured non-stick surface
The 1/4 Extra Wide and Extra Thick Yoga Mat provides greater freedom and comfort for your routine. This durable foam mat is perfect for all your yoga needs. It is easy to roll,store and clean. Available in royal blue and purple. See how a regular mat looks next to our extra wide one!
36" x 72" x 1/4"
This review is from: Extra Wide and Extra Thick Yoga Mat
Just received this yoga mat. It is 6'x3'x1/4", which was exactly the size I was looking for. I'm a runner/triathlete and not a yoga person, but significantly improves the comfort of stretching, crunches, etc from my otherwise concrete floor. If you're doing something really rough like kneeling then a bit thicker might have been nice, but that's probably not an issue on softer floors and there's a trade off with a mat giving too much. This mat finds the right level between firm and soft. As many other mat review say, it does smell a bit when you first get it--just let it air out for a few days; just one day has decreased that substantially. I would recommend buying this from yogadirect though since it's cheaper (I paid about $20 with shipping); you can even find some online coupons if you look. Also, the color is quite vibrant, which I like....
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